Some Zimbabwean landlords are feeling the pinch of current massive job cuts initiated by a recent Supreme Court ruling giving employers the right to fire workers by only giving them a three-month notice to terminate their contracts.
More than 20,000 people have lost their jobs following the court ruling three weeks ago. Some of the fired workers used to rent houses in high and low density suburbs in Zimbabwe’s cities and towns.
Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions secretary-general, Japhet Moyo, said the situation has deteriorated to this level due to President Robert Mugabe’s failure to use his presidential powers and change the labour law.
“What we are seeking is not for the president to change the ruling, but to change the labour law,” Moyo said.
Moyo added that the effects of the job losses will soon be felt by even by the government as many jobless people will start seeking assistance from the social services department.
Employers Confederation of Zimbabwe director, John Mufukare, said Zimbabwe should change its laws that scared away investors instead of its labour law.
Mufukare said there were serious distortions of the Zimbabwean economy as of today as seen in the prices being charged not only by state enterprises but across the board.
He welcomed President Mugabe’s stance for not using his presidential powers to amend the labour law saying investors were closely monitoring the situation.
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Interview With John Mufukare and Japhet Moyo