Sidelined Voters in Diaspora Seek Divine Intervention
.President Robert Mugabe
Zimbabweans living in the diaspora are seeking divine intervention after failing to secure the right to vote in the July 31 presidential, parliamentary and local government polls.
This follows the dismissal of an application filed in the Constitutional Court by a South African-based Zimbabwean Tavengwa Bukaibenyu, who challenged the constitutionality of denying them their right to vote.
Zimbabweans living in Indianapolis, United States, from different denominations will join hands in a prayer meeting Sunday that will run under the theme, “Rebuilding the nation of Zimbabwe with prayer.”
One of the prayer for peace organisers, Pastor Marvellous Ndlovu, said she hopes other Zimbabweans throughout the world would join them to pray for the holding of peaceful elections.
Pastor Ndlovu, who is also the leader of Women of Dominion, a women's Christian group, said Zimbabweans fear a repeat of the violence and bloodshed that characterised the 2008 election and are praying to God to ensure that this does not happen again.
"We are now appealing for divine intervention as a body of Christ to ensure that the elections are peaceful and that the Lord will give us God-fearing leaders so that we can live together in harmony before and after the elections," said Pastor Ndlovu.
"I hope that Zimbabweans worldwide will join us in prayer on Sunday on June 21 because when we pray for our country from the different places we now reside the prayer becomes one. The Lord knows no boundaries,” she added.