Zimbabwean Prime Minister Tsvangirai in South Africa for Surgical Procedure

  • Thomas Chiripasi
    Gibbs Dube
Sources said Prime Minister Tsvangirai left Zimbabwe early Wednesday and was to undergo surgery the same day in Johannesburg to repair damage to his nose sustained during alleged police beatings in March 2007

Zimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has been admitted to a South African hospital for surgery to repair damage to his nose sustained in beatings by police and security agents in March 2007, sources said.

The sources said the prime minister left Zimbabwe early Wednesday and was to go into surgery the same day at an undisclosed hospital in Johannesburg.

Tsvangirai was arrested in the wake of a Highfield rally called by the Save Zimbabwe Campaign on March 11, 2007. Photos of the battered opposition leader following his release a few days later stirred international outrage.

Tsvangirai's spokesman James Maridadi said he could neither confirm nor deny that the surgery was related to the injuries sustained by the MDC founder at that time. He said Mr. Tsvangirai was expected back at work next week.