National Railways of Zimbabwe Workers Strike Over Allowances, Conditions

  • Jonga Kandemiiri
Sources among railway workers said the state-run line has failed to honor commitments to clear all back allowances dating from 2009, amounting to US$5,000.00 to $9,000 per employee

Operations of the National Railways of Zimbabwe came to a halt this week after 9.000 of its workers went on strike over past-due allowances and working conditions.

Sources among railway workers said the state-run line has failed to honor commitments to clear all back allowances dating from 2009, amounting to US$5,000.00 to $9,000 per employee. Rail employees are still waiting for their August salaries, they said.

Norman Simba, president of the Railways Association of Enginemen, one of four unions representing NRZ workers, told VOA reporter Jonga Kandemiiri that the unions gave due notice to strike as required by Zimbabwean labor laws.

Railway spokesman Fanuel Masikati confirmed workers have gone out on strike but blamed the depressed economy for the problems the parastatal is facing.