About 58 families in Tsholotsho, Matabeleland North province, that were affected by floods in February on Monday received donations of clothes, soap and sanitary ware from the Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZIMRIGHTS).
ZimRights director Okay Machisa says they were touched by the plight of the flood victims and in June they organised a Soap and Shirt Winter Festival concert to mobilise assistance for the families.
The organisation, working together with Heal Zimbabwe Trust, Women’s Trust and Batanai HIV and AIDS Organisation or BHASO from Masvingo and Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition, has also donated to the Tokwe-Mukosi flood victims.
Muzarabani flood victims will also receive their share soon.
Machisa says they handed over the donations to the Civil Protection Unit at the district administrator’s offices in Tsholotsho District.
He also urges the government and non-governmental organisations to also donate food, seeds and cement to the victims.
"They need food to see them through to the next harvest. They also need seeds for them to plant. The situation is dire. The other problem is that they don't have money to buy cement that is why they continue building weak houses," says Machisa.
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Interview With Okay Machisa