Less than 500 men undergo vasectomy each year in zimbabwe as a form of birth control compared to almost half a million people in the United States of America who take up this sterilization proceedure which is regarded in the medical fieldas a simple, safe and effective method of permanent contraception.
According to medical experts in Zimbabwe, negative cultural implications and lack of publicity are driving men away from the doctors’ scapel. Most of them fear that they may end up losing their libido after undergoing vasectomy.
Indications are that black Zimbabweans have over the years been skeptical about vasectomy with most of them simply condemning it as a form of castration.
They claim that there is almost little or no education on vasectomy which ensures that a man is unable to father a child after undergoing the surgical proceedure.
Medical experts say their fears are unjustified as one is able to have normal sexual activities even after settling for vasectomy.
Urologist and Zimbabwe government medical consultant, Hassan Ashmawy, says vasectomy is a safe and effective form of birth control.