Ruling Zanu PF Activist Files Court Application Seeking Nullification of President Mnangagwa's Leadership

FILE: Zimbabwe's President Emmerson Mnangagwa prepares to inspect the guard of honour during the celebrations for the country's 38th anniversary of Independence at the National Sports Staduim in Harare, Wednesday, April, 18, 2018.

A Zimbabwean, who has been a Zanu PF member for 20 years, has filed a High Court application seeking to overturn President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s leadership of the ruling party.

According to an online publication, ZimLive, Sybeth Musengezi is seeking an order compelling Zanu PF to hold a congress to chose a new leader as he claims that the special session of the ruling party’s Central Committee held in 2017, which resulted in Mnangagwa becoming the leader of the party, was unconstitutional.

Musengezi, reports ZimLive, wants the High Court to declare the resolutions of that Central Committee meeting “null and void”, and for a special congress to be ordered within three months to “regularise the top leadership positions in the party.”

He argues that Mnangagwa, who had been sacked as vice president, was thrust as leader by an unlawful Central Committee meeting convened by unknown people including Patrick Chinamsa and Obert Mpofu, in violation of the party’s constitution.

Musengezi accused the parties of taking advantage of the unfolding military coup, dubbed ‘Operation Restore Legacy’, to topple the late former President Robert Mugabe.

Top Zanu PF officials were unreachable for comment Wednesday night for comment as they were not responding to calls on their mobile phone.