Zimbabwe Power Sharing Partners Review Negotiation Report, But Deadlock Remains

  • Ntungamili Nkomo
South African facilitator Lindiwe Zulu said her team will have a copy of the report by Wednesday and review it with President Zuma before returning to Harare to press the power-sharing parties for broader agreements

The three principals in Zimbabwe's troubled power-sharing government have received a report summarizing the state of talks by their negotiators, who have again deadlocked on key issues and are expected to meet soon to try to resolve those so-called outstanding issues with the help of South African mediators.

Negotiator Elton Mangoma of the Movement for Democratic Change formation led by Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai told VOA on Monday that Mr. Tsvangirai, President Robert Mugabe and Deputy Prime Minister Arthur Mutambara were reviewing the report from negotiators for their parties. Mutambara is the president of a rival MDC formation.

Sources said the report states that negotiators could not agree on the fates of Reserve Bank Governor Gideon Gono and Attorney General Johannes Tomana, whose appointments in late 2008 by President Mugabe in the interim between the September signature of a power-sharing agreement and the formation of a national unity government has been a bone of contention.

Following mediation by South African President Jacob Zuma in March, political sources said one of the two men was supposed to step down as part of the “package of measures” assembled by Zuma, mediator on behalf of the Southern African Development Community.

President Robert Mugabe and other ZANU-PF officials since then have denied there was such a deal.

South African facilitator Lindiwe Zulu said her team will have a copy of the report by Wednesday and review it with President Zuma before returning to Harare later in the week to push for broader agreements.

Bulawayo-based political commentator Qhubani Moyo told VOA Studio 7 reporter Ntungamili Nkomo that the only solution may be new national elections – but this is possible only if a new constitution is put in place.