Zimbabwe's Mavambo Kusile Party Proposes Apolitical Transitional Gov't

  • Ntungamili Nkomo

Political observers have voiced skepticism over a call by a Zimbabwean opposition party led by former finance minister Simba Makoni for a non-political transitional structure to replace the power-sharing unity government until new elections can be held.

Makoni's Mavambo Kusile Dawn party says the transitional entity would be made up of civic and church leaders as well as business people.

The party said the coalition could include officials from all political parties – but leaders including President Robert Mugabe and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai could not be included. Analysts called the proposal a non-starter for this and other reasons.

The opposition proposal also calls for a rigorous national-healing program, warning that current political tensions risk blowing up into a full-scale confrontation.

Mavambo Kusile Dawn Secretary for Administration Wilson Khumbula said that ending the often disfunctional unity government is the best way forward.

"Those who criticize our proposal are those that are benefitting from the unity government, which appears to be serving the interests of a few," he said.

But political commentator Bhekilizwe Ndlovu dismissed the proposal for a new transitional vehicle as naive and ill-advised. "I wouldn't have thought Simba Makoni is as naive as to come up with such a proposal," Ndlovu told reporter Ntungamili Nkomo.